
RITMULLER Baby Grand Piano Reconditioning

Project Summary:

The project aims to give the Ritmüller R8 Baby Grand Piano a refreshed look and extend its lifespan.

The Piano Repainting and Refinishing Project involves transforming a well-maintained piano with minor case scratches and dents into a pristine and brand-new-looking instrument. The piano’s action, strings, soundboard, and tuning pins are in excellent condition. The project will focus on repainting the entire piano, utilizing professional-grade paint for a durable and glossy finish. Our skilled technicians will carefully prepare the surface, apply the paint evenly, and ensure the piano’s functionality remains uncompromized. The project aims to meet the new owner’s vision and exceed their expectations by combining quality craftsmanship with attention to detail.

SoloPlay Grand Piano 2 Before

Project Scope:

The Piano Restoration Project was completed within 7 working days. Our skilled technicians repainted and polished the piano shell, cleaned and reconditioned the keys, conducted thorough action checkups, and provided moving, delivery, and tuning services. We prioritized quality, craftsmanship, and customer satisfaction to ensure the piano was fully restored and ready for exceptional musical experiences.

SoloPlay Grand Piano 2 After

End Results:

The completed project has successfully achieved a brand new look and feel for the Ritmüller R8 Baby Grand Piano. The piano now exudes a refreshed and pristine appearance, resembling a newly manufactured instrument. Additionally, the project has significantly extended the piano’s lifespan, ensuring that it will continue to provide musical enjoyment for years to come.

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